Elevate Your Vineyard’s Reporting to Peak Performance with Automated Dashboards

22 / Jun / 2023

Elevate Your Vineyard’s Reporting to Peak Performance with Automated Dashboards

22 / Jun / 2023
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There are plenty of benefits to implementing Intelligent Automation (IA) in the operation of your Vineyard, as we have explored in previous articles.

Four Reasons to automate processes in Your Vineyard

As I have pointed out, Intelligent Automation acts through the integration of a set of digital tools that maximize the efficiency of businesses, help reduce costs, offer a much more satisfying customer journey, and are crucial for making well-informed and documented decisions.

We must consider the massive amount of data produced in Vineyards and the time to gather all the information generated from other sources (such as social networks, web page publications, and external data sources like weather information, to name a few).

Manually extracting recent data, connecting them to a long string of spreadsheets, and ensuring they reach the right people, only to repeat the process daily, weekly, or monthly can be pretty exhausting.

Many of us feel that time is limited, and we need help managing a large amount of valuable information available. Still, we also witness the wasted time of our collaborators who dedicate themselves to repetitive tasks that contribute little value instead of carrying out activities that promote data analysis.

To achieve successful business management and maintain our mental health, we must have a plan to deal with this complexity. In this context, Intelligent Automation can do a lot for you.

Today, we have the assistance of several automated tools that collect data, process it, and present an analysis through reports and graphic panels that anyone can understand.

These digital resources, also known as Automated Dashboards, save reporting time by executing and consolidating data in real-time, based on the configuration of your main KPIs, to generate metrics and analysis of other essential data for your business.

Primary KPIs to Automate Vineyard Reporting

So as you know, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are effective metrics for evaluating the performance of processes and making accurate decisions for reaching goals. Therefore, they are key components to be visualized through Automated Dashboards.

In a Vineyard, the KPIs can change according to business areas. I present to you some KPIs according to this classification:

KPIs in Agricultural Production:

Yield per hectare (tons/ha): Quantity of grapes produced per unit area.

Grape Quality: Measured through sugar content (Brix), acidity, and pH.

Production Costs: Total and per-acre costs associated with grape production.

Irrigation Efficiency: Ratio between the water applied and the number of grapes produced.

KPIs in Wine Production:

Extraction Yield: Quantity of wine produced from a specific amount of grapes.

Wine Quality: Evaluate parameters such as colour, aroma, flavour, and alcohol content.

Production Efficiency: Measure the relationship between the resources used and the volume of wine produced.

Wine Production Costs: Include costs of materials, labour, and energy.

KPIs in Sales and Marketing:

Sales Volume: Units of bottles of wine sold in each period.

Sales Revenue: Total revenue generated from wine sales.

Revenue Growth: Compare current revenue with previous periods.

Profitability: Measure the profit margin of each product or wine line.

Market Share: Percentage of sales relative to the total wine market(geographically)

Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction rating through surveys and reviews.

(Wine Tasting Journal)

KPIs in Logistics and Distribution:

Delivery Time: Measure the time it takes to deliver the wine from the moment of the order until delivery.

Delivery Accuracy: Percentage of deliveries made without errors or problems.

Logistics Cost: Costs associated with transporting, storing, and distributing wine.

Supply Chain Efficiency: Monitor indicators such as cycle time and inventory level.

KPIs in Environmental Management and Sustainability:

Carbon Footprint: Measure greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and distribution of wine.

Water Consumption: Monitor water use in the production of grapes and wine.

Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers: Quantity and type of chemicals used in grape cultivation.

Environmental and Sustainable Certifications: Obtain recognized certifications in the wine industry.

A Practical Example for Visualization

Before I finish this article, I’d like to show you a recreated dashboard in a scenario that will be familiar to you. (Click on the picture)

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Winery Dashboard

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Written by Héctor Enríquez Díaz

Héctor Enríquez DíazEntrepreneur | Intelligent Automation Expert | Author | CEO Leaf Automation | VAI - Vineyard Automation Index

Leaf Automation 2023