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Boost your farming processes by making them Automated, Data-driven, and Sustainable.

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Predictive Analytics: Powering the Future of Agribusiness

In the ever-changing world of Agribusiness, one fact remains constant: Unpredictability. The industry is characterized by continuous volatility, fluctuating weather, sudden crop diseases, or shifting commodity prices. The stakes are high,…

Leveraging Drone Based on Multispectral Analysis for Automate Crop Health Monitoring

In the age of precision agriculture, taking advantage of advanced technologies like drone-based multispectral imaging is key to efficient and sustainable farming. This innovative approach transforms how farmers monitor crop…

Elevate Your Vineyard’s Reporting to Peak Performance with Automated Dashboards

There are plenty of benefits to implementing Intelligent Automation (IA) in the operation of your Vineyard, as we have explored in previous articles. Four Reasons to automate processes in Your…

Four Reasons to automate processes in Your Vineyard

Emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, suggest that we are on the cusp of a new revolution. Companies that fail to adapt to these new technologies risk falling behind. To…

Intelligent Automation in Vineyards Myths and Facts

Intelligent Automation (IA) in Vineyards Myths and Facts There are a lot of misconceptions and inaccuracies about Intelligent Automation (IA) When people think of IA, they often imagine robotic arms…

Leaf Automation 2023